Discover nature’s creation
When are the caves open?

Mon 17th Feb: ✅ OPEN. Gate opens 1100 enter before 1345 to see the cave. Gate closes 1445. Speed limit 30 kmph 🦺
Tue 18th Feb: ❔ Times will be confirmed on Monday afternoon. Gate opens 1130, enter before 1430 to see the cave. Gate closes 1530. Speed limit 30 kmph 🦺
Wed 19th Feb: ❔ Times will be confirmed on Tuesday afternoon. Gate opens 1215, enter before 1515 to see the cave. Gate closes 1615. Speed limit 30 kmph 🦺
Thu 20th Feb: ❔ Open. Times will be confirmed on Wednesday afternoon. Gate opens 1300, enter before 1600 to go see the cave. Gate closes 1700. Speed limit 30 kmph 🦺
Fri 21st Feb: ❔Open. Times will be confirmed on Thursday afternoon. Gate opens 1400, enter before 1700 to see the cave. Gate closes 1800. Speed limit 30 kmph 🦺
Sat 22nd Feb: ❔ To be advised.
Sun 23rd Feb: ❔ To be advised.

When are the caves open?

Mon 17th Feb: ✅ OPEN. Gate opens 1100 enter before 1345 to see the cave. Gate closes 1445. Speed limit 30 kmph 🦺
Tue 18th Feb: ❔ Times will be confirmed on Monday afternoon. Gate opens 1130, enter before 1430 to see the cave. Gate closes 1530. Speed limit 30 kmph 🦺
Wed 19th Feb: ❔ Times will be confirmed on Tuesday afternoon. Gate opens 1215, enter before 1515 to see the cave. Gate closes 1615. Speed limit 30 kmph 🦺
Thu 20th Feb: ❔ Open. Times will be confirmed on Wednesday afternoon. Gate opens 1300, enter before 1600 to go see the cave. Gate closes 1700. Speed limit 30 kmph 🦺
Fri 21st Feb: ❔Open. Times will be confirmed on Thursday afternoon. Gate opens 1400, enter before 1700 to see the cave. Gate closes 1800. Speed limit 30 kmph 🦺
Sat 22nd Feb: ❔ To be advised.
Sun 23rd Feb: ❔ To be advised.


Cathedral Caves

Cathedral Caves are a highlight for visitors to The Catlins. Located in cliffs at the northern end of pristine Waipati Beach, they have attracted international interest for their length - the two sea-formed passages together measure just on 200 metres - and their impressive height, up to 30 metres.

Popular for decades, this outstanding natural feature is 15km south of the village of Papatowai and 2km off the highway. From the car park, a one-kilometre walking track descends through lush coastal forest to the beach. Visitors cross Maori freehold land, which is managed by a trust.


There is a small charge for the use of the  private road, car park and access track to the beach and caves.

Children under 5 - Free

Children 5 - 14 yrs - $2

Adults 15 and over - $15

Card payment only




Opening hours are variable and limited. Check the website on the day of your visit

Access to the Cathedral Caves is only possible when tides, weather, sea-swell and other conditions allow. Current opening hours are displayed on the homepage of the website. Email us for more information.


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    Dog free enviroment to look after the wildlife
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    Secure carpark
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    $15 per adult, $2 per child, EFTPOS available
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